Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Standard financial investment information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Standard financial investment information - Essay Example Outsourcing can be defined as, "subcontracting a process, such as product design or manufacturing, to a third-party company. Outsourcing became part of the business lexicon during the 1980s. The purpose of this paper is to agree or disagree with the concept that standard financial investment information and criteria are all that is needed to effectively evaluate IT outsourcing definitions The decision to outsource is often made in the interest of lowering firm costs, redirecting or conserving energy directed at the competencies of a particular business, or to make more efficient use of labor, capital, technology and resources" (Wikipedia, 2008). Significant cost savings, cost restructuring, an improvement in overall quality, access to a greater pool of knowledge, the existence of a legally binding contract, operational expertise that would otherwise be too expensive, the solving of staffing issues such as a small and dependable internal talent pool, improved capacity management, prov iding a catalyst for major change, reducing the time it takes for a product to reach market, commoditization, improved risk management techniques, the ability to operate 24/7 because of various time zones, and the pressure that is being placed on a company by customers which may only be solved through outsourcing (Wikipedia, 2008).Provided that the best ethical practices are taken into consideration and implemented, it is not agreed that standard financial investment information is all that is needed to effectively evaluate IT outsourcing definitions ... as information risk management or integrity services, providing routine assistance to in-house auditing for operations and control evaluations in peak period activity and conduct special projects such as fraud investigation or plant investment appraisals" (Wikipedia, 2008). Before any decisions are made, however, it is important that a Return on Investment is conducted. Companies need to way the benefits and the savings against the drawbacks and the costs in order to determine whether they are doing the right thing. This task is accomplished through a Return on Investment. According to the article written by Cresswell, "The choice of how to conduct the analysis should be based on four critical principles pertaining to: the strategic objective(s) of the ROI analysis, the place (and importance) of the IT investment in the overall enterprise architecture, the type of analysis that should be conducted (i.e., what data and methods of analysis are best suited to those objectives), and how the ROI analysis fits in the overall decision context for IT investments" (2008) During the Return on Investment analysis, it is crucial for managers to determine who is going to be impacted by it, what the risk factors are, who will be affected, is it really necessary for the given project, and if it is even worth the cost of an ROI analysis. In addition, the overall technology infrastructure should be considered, along with business processes, the organizational environment, and external relationships (Cresswell, 2008). Although many firms have chosen to at least partially outsource their IT functions over the past several years, these decisions have not been made for cost reasoning alone. According to Graham and Harvey, who conducted a survey, "The results of our survey were

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role 19th century Women Essay Example for Free

The Role 19th century Women Essay Women in General Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austin, which depicts the women’s life in the early 19th century. Pride and prejudice was written by a young woman in her early twenties, in the context of her day in which women’s rights were mot valued particularly in term of their own property rights. The story revolves within the context of the three levels of status in society represented by the characters from upper classes, middle classes, and lower class status that are themselves symbols of different classes of society during the 19th century. Indeed, the typical life of the 19th century women is accurately depicted in Jane Austin’s Timeless novel, The Pride and Prejudice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In Jane Austin’s novel, the first chapter describes the existing norms of the society regarding women’s rights. Austin portrayed that women, even in the upper classes are deprived of their property rights and the only legal remedy for them to inherent family estates is to be married. This evident in the following lines â€Å"However, little is known the feeling or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters† (Austin p. 2). These lines reflect the importance of a man to a family who had but all daughters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The struggle of the 19th century women exactly correlate to the condition of women in Austin’s novel, as they battle their way towards gaining their rights. Afsar Bano pointed out that the 19th century women â€Å"could not tolerate such state of affairs any longer. They formed movements in Europe and America to emancipate women† (Bano p. 41). Women of the 19th century were deprived of the basic rights and privileges exactly to what Austin has demonstrated in her novel almost century earlier. Although Austin portrayed women in her novel to be socially actively involved, it appears that women’s social responsibility was limited, as most of the women mentioned in the story were not engaged in any social obligations, or in any economic activities outside of their homes, though they participated in some social functions. A Woman’s responsibility was to be a good wife to her husband, and mother to children as stated in the opening lines of the story as follows â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife† (Austin p. 2).   Women’s inferiority and dependency with men and their lack of basic rights that included their family estates were evident in the story. In the 19th century however, being in this situation, women resented this condition and fought their way toward their common goals under the banner of feminism. Marriage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since they do not work and they do not have rights over their father’s possessions, evidently, marriage was the last remedy for women to avoid poverty. In Austin’s novel, adult women, view marriage as being the last opportunity to escape future poverty appeared to be consummated not for love, but for need. Austin sees the need of a single man to marry was not based in his feeling; the same was the sentiment express by Charlotte Lucas, one of the characters in the novel. She said, â€Å"I wish Jane success with all my heart; and if she were married to him tomorrow, I should think she has a good chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelve month, happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance† (Austin p. 30). In the summary and analysis featured in the internet entitled Pride and Prejudice-Study Guide, it stated the common idea of marriage during the novel was â€Å"utilitarian† in which it emphasize the need for young women to find man who have a good furtive (Pride and Prejudice Study Guide Summary of Ch. 1-6).   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This View of Marriage correlates exactly in the early 19th century. Joan Perkin cited that when the upper-class family considered the marriage of their children â€Å"more was at stake than momentary infatuation† (p. 54). Their view was that emotions came and went: land remains. Marriage was not out of love but of necessity, and this view was widely regarded in the 19th century. Personal Lives: Fashion Education – Health In Austin’s novel, personal lives were expressed by the characters in their own styles and fashions. Austin has been quite generous in her descriptions of the personal life style of the individual in the story. They like going out to party and dancing. Education for women in Austin’s novel was of little regard as none of the younger women seemed to be so educated. What has been highly regarded was the social class and those in the upper classes manipulate fashions and lifestyle as depicted by the character of lady Catherine de Bourgh.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the fashion of women in the 19th century was more on garments and dresses, education and health were just as that in the novel. Women in the 19th century were deprived of education and their role was rather in the home. The difference between the 19th century women with the women in the novel was the rise of feminism during the 19th century. In other words, women of the 19th century resisted their situation and demanded equality with men, which was in direct contrast with the passive attitude of the women in the novel. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Based on the arguments above, I would like to affirm that the life of women in the 19th century was accurately depicted in the novel of Jane Austin in terms of the categories given such as the general society, marriage, and personal lives. The views given in this paper regarding the women of the 19th century was the general situation of the time (Based on the two authors view), and can be therefore valid to be the basis of the affirmation above. That is, there must be some similarities in the general role of women in society during the two periods. Work Cited       Austin, Jane Pride and Prejudice England: Plain Label Books 1957 Bano, Afsar Status of Women in Islamic Society India: Kumar for Anmol Publication 2003. Perkins, Joan Women and Marriage in Nineteenth-century England, England: Routledge, 1989 Pride and Prejudices-Study Guide â€Å"Summary and Analysis of Volume I, Chapters 1-6†.   1999-2008.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ethics of Gun Control Essay -- Constituton Bill Rights Right To Be

The Ethics of Gun Control The phrase "Gun Control" means different things to different people. One bumper sticker states that "Gun Control means hitting your target." However one defines gun control, the mere mention of it brings controversy. Opposing sides have for years fought over the laws that govern firearms. For the purposes of this paper "Gun Control" is defined as policies enacted by the government that limit the legal rights of gun owners to own, carry, or use firearms, with the intent of reducing gun crimes such as murder, armed robbery, aggravated rape, and the like. So defined, gun control understandably brings favorable responses from some, and angry objections from others. The gun control debate is generally publicized because of the efforts of the Pro-Gun Lobby or the Anti-Gun Lobby. The best known of the Pro-Gun Lobby is the NRA, headed by Charlton Heston and Wayne LaPierre. The Anti-Gun Lobby includes such organizations as Handgun Control, Inc., The Violence Policy Center, and the ACLU, and is commonly associated with such figures as Sarah Brady. It is doubtful that anyone would dispute that reducing violent crime is a good thing. Most pro-gun lobbyists will concede that guns are used in violent crimes, and that guns act as an enabler for criminals. It is impossible to deny that mass shootings could not be carried out without guns. This fact is generally the basis of the anti-gun movement. They argue that since guns are commonly used in the commission of crimes, and since guns are inherently dangerous because of their primary function (the primary function being the destruction of the target), that guns should therefore be outlawed. The pro-gun... ...der rate because Americans own so many guns." 28 July 1999. "Only the police are trained enough and responsible enough to carry guns". 28 July 1999. "Proof Positive: Gun Control Increases Violent Crime". 28 July 1999 Reese, Charley. "American Citizens Have the Right to Bear Arms". 20correspondent/american_citizens_have_a_right.htm. 28 July 1999. Schultz, Daniel J. "It's Hard to Argue With the Founders". 28 July 1999. "This is America. The government is never going to turn into a tyranny." 28 July 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Audience Analysis Memo Essay

Per the week one assignment, I have reviewed and compared two Websites offering information on the same subject. My chosen subject is kidney disease and hemodialysis and the source Websites are: The National Kidney Foundation ( and The Merck Manual-Professional ( When reviewing the National Kidney Foundation site, I initially had difficulty determining who the intended audience actually was. You can’t help but notice, a significant goal of the page is to generate donations. The donations tab is highlighted with a blue border against an orange background. The information tabs are simply white print against the same orange background. That being said, there is also well prepared information regarding kidney disease and hemodialysis intended for the general public. The Website provides information regarding diagnosis, treatments and lifestyle changes. It appears, the primary purpose of the National Kidney Foundation Website is education and the secondary purpose is soliciting donations. The Merck Manual Professional site, appears to target healthcare professionals with a secondary audience of students in the medical and/or nursing fields. The National Kidney Foundation Website is very appealing with pictures, videos and banners. Two banner items that caught my eye were â€Å"the initial shock of the dialysis diet† followed by a chicken fajita recipe. It further incorporates information about coping with the diagnosis and treatment plan. The Merck Manual website is stark in comparison as it incorporates muted colors of gray, blue and green. The Merck Manual presents only related facts and treatment modalities. Advertising on each page is limited. The National Kidney Foundation’s Website advertisements are geared to generate donations, whereas, the advertisements on the Merck Manual site, offer additional ways to receive the Merck Manual information. Each site provides icons intended to provide the user with the option to share the Websites  with many of the social media networks. The Merck Manual Website is intended for information and education. The National Kidney Foundation site provides education in addition to soliciting donations. The National Kidney Foundation information is provided in a question and answer format with one or two sentence simple answers provided. The Merck Manual site utilizes headers with information ranging between one to three paragraphs. Links available on the National Kidney Foundation Website keep the reader on the site and frequently take them back to the donation page. The Website provides a section for â€Å"Professional† users, however, the majority of the area is again written for the general public. One area reviewed provides an â€Å"Education and Research† option that takes the professional reader to more technical writing sources contained within the National Kidney Foundation Website. The Merck Manual links allow the reader to visit other Websites for additional subject information. The National Kidney Foundation Website offers additional educational opportunities via Webinars and seminars. No such offerings were noted on the Merck Manual site. The Merck Manual is written with the professional audience in mind. The information is technical and clinical in its presentation. Whereas, the National Kidney Foundation Website, refers to the site visitor on multiple occasions as â€Å"family†. Visitors are encouraged to â€Å"join our family† and â€Å"be a part of the National Kidney Foundation family† with prom ises of â€Å"we will be there for you†. The information provided in a well written conversational form and would be easily understood by the nonprofessional general public wanting additional information about kidney disease and support services available. Newly diagnosed patients visiting the National Kidney Foundation Website would be provided with an additional source of information. In addition to the general diagnosis and treatment information provided, the Website offers encouragement and support to those effected by kidney disease. Patients, families and friends can find support information. The Merck Manual is intended to be used as a source of information and education for the healthcare professional and/or student. It represents a good source of information for research and/or bedside practice. Although both sites provide information on Kidney Disease and Hemodialysis, the content is presented in completely different ways. The National Kidney Foundation is written for the general public who may be effected by kidney disease. The  Merck Manual in professional in appearance and content. In conclusion, I feel each site is well developed for their intended audience and purpose. The National Kidney Foundation Website is easy to use and provides the reader with basic information regarding the diagnosis, treatment and necessary lifestyle changes. The Website offers support services and the opp  ortunity to donate if the reader so desires. The Merck Manual Website is intent is to provide educational information to the medical professional and students in the medical field.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Francisco Arcellana Essay

Francisco â€Å"Franz† Arcellana (September 6, 1916 – August 1, 2002) was a Filipino writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalistand teacher. He was born on September 20, 1916. Arcellana already had ambitions of becoming a writer during his years in the elementary. His actual writing, however, started when he became a member of The Torres Torch Organization during his high school years. Arcellana continued writing in various school papers at the University of the Philippines Diliman. He later on received a Rockfeller Grant and became a fellow in creative writing the University of Iowa and Breadloaf’s writers conference from 1956- 1957. He is considered an important progenitor of the modern Filipino short story in English. Arcellana pioneered the development of the short story as a lyrical prose-poetic form within Filipino literature. His works are now often taught in tertiary-level-syllabi in the Philippines. Many of his works were translated into Tagalog, Malaysia n, Russian, Italian, and German. Arcellana won 2nd place in 1951 Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, with his short story, â€Å"The Flowers of May.† 14 of his short stories were also included in Jose Garcia Villa’s Honor Roll from 1928 to 1939. His major achievements included the first award in art criticism from the Art Association of the Philippines in 1954, the Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan award from the city government of Manila in 1981, and the Gawad Pambansang Alagad ni Balagtas for English fiction from the Unyon ng mga Manunulat sa Pilipino (UMPIL) in 1988. On April 2, 1989, the University of the Philippines conferred upon Arcellana a doctorate in humane letters, honoris causa. Francisco Arcellana was proclaimed National Artist of the Philippines in Literature on 23, 1990 by then Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino. In 2009, or seven years after his death, his family came out with a book to pay tribute to National Artist for Literature Arcellana. The book entitled, â€Å"Franz,† is a collection of essays gathered by the Arcellana family from colleagues, friends, students and family members, including f ellow National Artist Nick Joaquin, Butch Dalisay, Recah Trinidad, Jing Hidalgo,Gemino Abad, Romina Gonzalez, Edwin Cordevilla, Divina Aromin, Doreen Yu, Danton Remoto, Jose Esteban Arcellana and others. Arcellana is buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. Arcellana died in 2002. As a National Artist, he received a state funeral at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. His grandson Liam Hertzsprung performed a piano concert in 2006 dedicated to him. Arcellana’s published books include: Selected Stories (1962) Poetry and Politics: The State of Original Writing in English in the Philippines Today (1977) The Francisco Arcellana Sampler (1990). References 1. Jump up^ Morales, Natalia M.L.M. A Haiku for Sir Franz, In Memoriam: Franz Arcellana, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Aug. 13, 2002, 2. Jump up^ 3. Jump up^ 4. Jump up^ 5. Jump up^ Biography of Francisco Arcellana Francisco â€Å"Franz† Arcellana (Zacarias Eugene Francisco Quino Arcellana) was a Filipino writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist and teacher. He was born in aka Frank V. Sta. Cruz, Manila. He is the fourth of 18 children of Jose Arcellana y Cabaneiro and Epifanio Quino. He was married to Emerenciana Yuvienco with whom he has six children, one of whom, Juaniyo is an essayist, poet and fictionist. He received his first schooling in Tondo. The idea of writing occurred to him at the Tondo Intermediate School but it was at the Manila West High School (later Torres High School) that he took up writing actively as staff member of The Torres Torch, the school organ. In 1932 Arcellana entered the University of the Philippines (UP) as a pre-medicine student and graduated in 1939 with a bachelor of philosophy in degree. In his junior year, mainly because of the publication of his  Ã¢â‚¬Å"trilogy of the turtles† in the Literary Apprentice, Arcellana was invited to join the UP Writers Club by Manuel Arguilla – who at that time was already a campus literary figure. In 1934, he edited and published Expression, a quarterly of experimental writing. It caught the attention of Jose Garcia Villa who started a correspondence with Arcellana. It also spawned the Veronicans, a group of 13 pre-WWII who rebelled against traditional forms and themes in Philippine literature. Arcellana went on to medical school after receiving his bachelor’s degree while holding jobs in Herald Midweek Magazine, where his weekly column â€Å"Art and Life† (later retitled â€Å"Life and Letters†) appeared, and in Philcross, the publication of the Philippine Red Cross. The war stopped his schooling. After the war, he continued working in media and publishing and began a career in the academe. He was manager of the International News Service and the editor of This Week. He joined the UP Department of English and Comparative Literature and served as adviser of the Philippine Collegian and director of the UP Creative Writing Center, 1979- 1982. Under a Rockefeller Foundation grant he became a fellow in creative writing, 1956- 1957, at the University of Iowa and Breadloaf Writers’ Conference. In 1932 Arcellana published his first story. â€Å"The Man Who Could Be Poe† in Graphic while still a student at Torres High School. The following year two of his short stories, â€Å"Death is a Factory† and â€Å"Lina,† were included in Jose Garcia Villa’s honor roll. During the 1930’s, which he calls his most productive period, he wrote his most significant stories including, â€Å"Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal† cited in 1938 by Villa as the year’s best. He also began writing poetry at this time, many of them appearing in Philippine Collegian, Graphic and Herald Midweek Magazine. He is considered an important progenitor of the modern Filipino short story in English. Arcellana pioneered the development of the short story as a lyrical prose-poetic form within Filipino literature. His works are now often taught in tertiary-level-syllabi in the Philippines. Some of his works have been translated into Tagalog, Malaysian, Italian,  German and Russian, and many have been anthologized. Two major collections of his works are: Selected Stories, 1962, and The Francisco Arcellana Sampler, 1990. He also edited the Philippine PEN Anthology of Short Stories, 1962, and Fifteen Stories: Story Masters 5, 1973. Arcellana credits Erskine Caldwell and Whit Burnett as influences. From 1928 to 1939, 14 of his short stories were included in Jose Garcia Villa’s honor roll. His short story â€Å"The Flowers of May† won second prize in 1951 Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for Literature. Another short story, â€Å"Wing of Madness,† placed second in the Philippines Free Press literary contest in 1953, He also received the first award in art criticism from the Art Association of the Philippines in 1954, the Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan award from the city government of Manila in 1981, and the Gawad Pambansang Alagad ni Balagtas for English fiction from the Unyon ng mga Manunulat sa Pilipino (UMPIL) in 1988. He was conferred a doctorate in humane letters, honoris causa, by the UP in 1989. He was proclaimed National Artist in Literature in 1990 – L.R. Lacuesta and R.C. Lucero Francisco Arcellana’s Works: Selected Stories (1962) Poetry and Politics: The State of Original Writing in English in the Philippines Today (1977) The Francisco Arcellana Sampler (1990).  This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia Francisco Arcellana; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. Francisco Arcellana Si Francisco Arcellana ay makata, mangangatha, kritiko, peryodista at guro. Isa siya sa mga ninuno ng makabagong Filipinong maikling katha sa Ingles. Siya ang nanguna sa pagpapalawak ng maikling katha bilang matulaing anyo. Kaniyang ipinagkakapuri ang likhang-isip sapagkat naipapakita nito ang katotohanan at naipriprisinta ang realidad. Siya ay naging mapangahas sa pagtuklas ng mga anyo ng sanaysay upang maipahayag ang talas ng pakiramdam ng mga Filipino. Dahil sa galing ng kaniyang mga kamay sa pagsulat, ang kaniyang mga likha ay siya na ngayong ginagamit ng mga mag-aaral sa kolehiyo. Mga Aklat Selected Stories (1962) Poetry and Politics: The State of Original Writing in English in the Philippines Today (1977) The Francisco Arcellana Sampler (1990) Maikling Kuwento Frankie The Man Who Would Be Poe Death in a Factory Lina Divided by Two Tula The Other Woman This Being the Third Poem This Poem is for Mathilda To Touch You I Touched Her Sanggunian â€Å"Francisco Arcellana.† ncca (hinango noong 26 Oktubre 2007). â€Å"Ang akdang ito ay katiting [stub]. Tumulong sa Wikifilipino at palawakin pa ito !† Pagkilala Mga kategorya: Buhay at Sining Panitikan Tula Nobela Kasaysayang pampanitikan Manunulat Katiting THE MATS Uploaded on Oct 25, 2011 *The Mats is about the story of the Angeles family. Where in Mr. Angeles brought home gifts (the mats) for his children from a long work-vacation. The conflicts starts when Nana Emilia (her wife) notices that he even provide gifts for their already dead children. *the story shows the strong family ties of the Filipinos (the MATS on how it is weaved) This movie is a partial requirement of our LIT-101 (Phil.Lit) under Mam Kathleen Javillionar. from Group-THE MATS of BSA1g (2011-2012)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Racism In America

There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never shrugged off. For example, when a White Georgetown Law School student reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as White students, it set off a booming, national controversy about "racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have attracted far less attention and criticism. Racism is, indeed, the national obsession. Universities are on full alert for it, newspapers and politicians denounce it, churches preach against it, America is said to be racked with it, but just what is racism? Dictionaries are not much help in understanding what is meant by the word. They usually define it as the belief that one's own ethnic stock is superior to others, or as the belief that culture and behavior are rooted in race. When Americans speak of racism they mean a great deal more than this. Nevertheless, the dictionary definition of racism is a clue to understanding what Americans do mean. A peculiarly American meaning derives from the current dogma that all ethnic stocks are equal. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, all races have been declared to be equally talented and hard- working, and anyone who questions the dogma is thought to be not merely wrong but evil. The dogma has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If blacks, for example, are equal to Whites in every way, what accounts for their poverty, criminality, and dissipation? Since any theory of racial differences has been outlawed, the only possible explanation for black failure is White racism. And since blacks are markedly poor, ... Free Essays on Racism In America Free Essays on Racism In America There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never shrugged off. For example, when a White Georgetown Law School student reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as White students, it set off a booming, national controversy about "racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have attracted far less attention and criticism. Racism is, indeed, the national obsession. Universities are on full alert for it, newspapers and politicians denounce it, churches preach against it, America is said to be racked with it, but just what is racism? Dictionaries are not much help in understanding what is meant by the word. They usually define it as the belief that one's own ethnic stock is superior to others, or as the belief that culture and behavior are rooted in race. When Americans speak of racism they mean a great deal more than this. Nevertheless, the dictionary definition of racism is a clue to understanding what Americans do mean. A peculiarly American meaning derives from the current dogma that all ethnic stocks are equal. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, all races have been declared to be equally talented and hard- working, and anyone who questions the dogma is thought to be not merely wrong but evil. The dogma has logical consequences that are profoundly important. If blacks, for example, are equal to Whites in every way, what accounts for their poverty, criminality, and dissipation? Since any theory of racial differences has been outlawed, the only possible explanation for black failure is White racism. And since blacks are markedly poor, ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition of a Reaction Intermediate

Definition of a Reaction Intermediate An intermediate or reaction intermediate is a substance formed during a middle step of a chemical reaction between reactants and the desired product. Intermediates tend to be extremely reactive and short-lived, so they represent a low concentration in a chemical reaction compared with the amount of reactants or products. Many intermediates are unstable ions or free radicals. Example in a chemical equation: A 2B → C E The steps could be A B → C DB D → E The D chemical would be an intermediate chemical. A real-world example of chemical intermediates are oxidizing radicals OOH and OH found in combustion reactions. Chemical Processing Definition The term intermediate means something different in the chemical industry, referring to a stable product of a chemical reaction that is then used as a starting material for another reaction. For example, benzene and propylene may be used to make the intermediate cumene. Cumene is then used to make phenol and acetone. Intermediate vs Transition State An intermediate is different from a transition state in part because an intermediate has a longer lifetime than a vibrational or transition state.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Honey Bees Survive the Winter Cold

How Honey Bees Survive the Winter Cold Most bees and wasps hibernate during the colder months. In many species, only the queen survives the winter, emerging in spring to reestablish a colony. But honey bees remain active all winter long, despite the freezing temperatures and lack of flowers on which to forage. Winter is when they reap the benefits of their hard work, by living off the honey theyve made and stored. Winter Is Why Bees Make Honey The honey bee colonys ability to survive the winter depends on their food stores. Keeping warm takes energy in the form of honey. If the colony runs short of honey, it will freeze to death before spring. The worker bees force the now useless drone bees from the hive, letting them starve. Its a harsh sentence, but one thats necessary for the colonys survival. Drones would eat too much of the precious honey, and put the hive in peril. Once sources of forage disappear, the honey bees settle in for the winter. As temperatures fall below 57 ° F, the workers hunker down near their cache of honey. The queen stops laying eggs in late fall and early winter, since food stores are limited and the workers must focus on insulating the colony. The Honey Bee Huddle The honey bee workers form a cluster around the queen and brood to keep  them warm. They keep their heads pointed inward. Bees on the inside of the cluster can feed on the stored honey. The outer layer of workers insulates their sisters inside the sphere of honey bees. As ambient temperatures rise, the bees on the outside of the group separate a bit, to allow more air flow. As temperatures fall, the cluster tightens, and the outer workers pull together. As the ambient temperature drops, the worker bees actively generate heat within the hive. First, they feed on honey for energy. Then, the honey bees shiver. They vibrate their flight muscles but keep their wings still, raising their body temperatures. With thousands of bees shivering constantly, the temperature at the center of the cluster will warm up considerably, to about 93 ° F! When the workers on the outer edge of the cluster get cold, they push to the center of the group, and other bees take a turn shielding the group from the winter weather. During warmer spells, the entire sphere of bees will move within the hive, positioning themselves around fresh honey stores. During long spells of extreme cold, the bees may be unable to move within the hive. If they run out of honey within the cluster, the bees can starve to death just inches from additional honey reserves. What Happens to the Bees When We Take Their Honey? An average colony of honey bees can produce 25 lbs. of honey during the foraging season. Thats 2-3 times more honey than they typically need to survive the winter. During a good foraging season, a healthy colony of honey bees can produce as much as 60 lbs. of honey. So the industrious worker bees make much more honey than the colony requires to survive the winter. Beekeepers harvest the surplus honey, but always make sure they leave a sufficient supply for the bees to sustain themselves through the winter months.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Movement Communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Movement Communities - Essay Example From the essay it is clear that discrimination based on sexual orientation highly targets the homosexual and bisexual individuals than heterosexuals. Because of the international and UK‘s existing laws to protect the disabled and homosexual individuals, discriminative members of the society may use indirect methods to fulfil their functions, which may put them at a particular disadvantage. According to the discussion findings BCODP has worked with different committees and locals DPOs to run and manage campaigns especially those concerning social service provisions. One of the most remarkably involvement of the organization in campaigns was for the initiation of the direct payment scheme back in the late 80s. According to the social security Act of 1948 that existed in the time, it only guaranteed the disabled people to receive local care and perhaps welfare benefits for the poor administered nationally, but made it illegal for local authorities to provide cash payments to them. While some counties in UK had implemented the scheme before, lack of clarity in the law led to it ban severally to early 90s. In order to change the law, BCODP independent living committee was formed whose purpose was to ensure disabled people had access to the independent living scheme that had begun across Europe. This committee had led the campaigns for direct payment and backed it up with prove research of its benefits and satisfaction to the disabled people than local services would achieve.

American Children Addicted to Fast Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

American Children Addicted to Fast Food - Essay Example There are many types of fast food outlets that are providing the consumers with burgers, soft drinks, French fries and other such types of items that are considered as non-healthy. Some popular brands of fast food outlets are McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Hardees and other such types of outlets. The reason why the young generation gets attracted towards the fast food outlets are they like hanging out with friends and partying all the times, fast food items are available almost everywhere and it is also inexpensive. Students are able to buy the fast food with their pocket money. In school canteens if we observe, majority of the items sold to students are of junk food and unhealthy items such as chips, fries, burgers and other such items. These types of unhealthy food affect the ability of the child for attaining proper nutritious food. Due to constant intake of fast food, the consumers and especially students may have to face situations of malnutrition. Unhealthy food has a lot of consequences. It affects the health very badly for both young and old consumers. Unhealthy diet tends to be the cause of many diseases that an individual may have to bear due to unhealthy eating lifestyle. Fast food products use a large quantity of oil and as we know fried food is not good for the health. The constant use of fast food products by students tends to make them habitual of constantly enjoying fast food and they develop this habit at their adulthood level as well which is not a good sign at all. Fast food may lower the self esteem of an individual as these types of food may make a person feel too full to think actively or do anything active for that matter. Therefore, as we can see many side effects are present for having fast food products by children and especially in America as we know a huge amount of fast food products are consumed by the children. The children may suffer from

Friday, October 18, 2019

Brickman Vending Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brickman Vending Services - Essay Example The sole trader structure also provides opportunities for claiming taxation advantages associated with business losses. This structure also provides advantages related to the capital gains tax, the sole trader is eligible by law to claim a 50% CGT reduction and the ability to write off expenses for a vehicle utilised for business purposes (Quinn Group 2012). The vending industry in the United Kingdom is valued at ?1.94 billion and there are currently 468,000 refreshment vending machines operating in the country (Research and Markets 2010). In most UK households, vending machine product purchases are representative of approximately 1.9 percent of total household spending on food (Research and Markets 2010). The statistics on the UK vending sales industry are highly favourable for ensuring profitability and revenue growth. Furthermore, total household expenditures on food for families in the UK increased by 5.3 percent in 2010 (Report Buyer 2011). In all respects, the vending industry in the UK represents a very auspicious opportunity for ensuring success of the start-up venture. 2.0 Mission and objectives The mission of Brickman Vending Services is distinctly customer-centric: Brickman Vending Services strives to provide a range of products that focus on serving the lifestyle needs of customers in the United Kingdom. From professionals to busy, on-the-go customers, Brickman Vending provides modernised service delivery and diversity of product for our valued buyers. The business maintains three distinct objectives achievable during the first year of operations. 1. Establish brand recognition for the business to establish a competitive brand presence. 2. Gain five percent of market share in the vending industry in the UK 3. Build market loyalty in the commercial business-to-business environment. 3.0 External market analyses There are approximately 300 vending competitors operating machines in the London region, where Brickman Vending Services will initially launch its vending business. Major competitors include Academy Beverage Company, Amazing Beveridge Company, Evend Ltd. and LTT Vending ( 2013). This is representative of only the largest and most recognised vending companies in the London area. Despite the saturated market environment, there are opportunities associated with brand development for Brickman Vending that can serve to outperform the competitive reputations of major rivals. None of the aforementioned competitors maintain a strong brand in the UK, known largely by contractual experience in the commercial sales environment. The business model of vending services is easily replicable by competitors, in relation to the established vending supply network in the UK and the non-differentiated aspects of food products available in vending machines. Nandan (2005) indicates that the only genuine, tangible asset that cannot easily be copied by competition is the brand. After scanning the external competitive environme nt, a lack of brand presence by major competition is advantageous for building a consumer-centric brand personality that can be recalled by customers as a means of differentiating Brickman Vending from competitors. Thompson, Gamble and Strickland (2005) offer the work of Michael Porter regarding the external market characteristics that either serve to improve business position or

International Relation- PED Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Relation- PED - Essay Example growth of the political economy of development enables the exposure of the interconnected topics, ideas and the role played by such ideas towards shaping a country’s development aspects. The assignment is put together in order to provide an understanding platform of the existing literature on economic development studies. The work is organised in a way that will elaborate more on the Post-war consensus that took place from 1950s and in the 1960s. During this period, the ideas portrayed in the literature indicate that they were focused on the theory of classical dualism. This particular theory led to the development of policies that were concentrated more on the creation of the suitable pre-conditions to facilitate development. The study will shed light on the event of increasing awareness, and the role played by advancing ideas. The ideas were resulting from the reducing reliance on the state of developmental and the increasing dependence on structural adjustment lending that will be assayed. In reference to Ranis (2004), the previously ignored sub-field of development economics was reinvented between the 1950s and the 1960s. During the time, the current models of the economy were deemed only to offer insights that were rather limited towards solving the challenges facing the third world. The Keynesian, Solow, and Harrod-Domar were the dominant economic models at the time. However, the ideas in these theories have little relevance for most societies. In accordance with Cairney (2012), the ideas incorporated in this literature are more of connected to the business cycles and other steady-state properties. In a more specific tone, the contemporary development models are viewed as related to the advanced countries. The Keynesian theory, for instance, has an abstract theoretical construct that abides by the abundant assumptions portrayed by the macro- theory of neo-classics. Contemporary development ideas also focused on full employment, perfect competition, and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Management - Essay Example 2005). This phenomenon creates an integrated world economy where production, trading and selling of goods and services reach beyond national and territorial boundaries. More than 40 years ago, economist and managers all over the world have been highlighting the vital role of state in the process of economic development. Most of them pointed out that unregulated markets, left to their own devices would polarize the distribution of income where small and medium size companies will be suck-up into corporate giants. To some extent, this would create confusion, panics, crises, recessions, and depressions. Along this same line of framework, in order to survive, corporations and businesses would need to find more innovative strategies to cope with the emerging industrialization and economic developments. The pressure is now on the hands of international managers as how they can strengthen their companies in order to face the difficult changes of a highly competitive and open market. A key factor that often puts companies out of business is competition. This is a major headache among business managers and planners. However, on the positive side, competitors are essential to spur companies to strive to do better. Although competitors have a potential of derailing a business, they are also indispensable learning tools for managers who want to get ahead of the competition-both today and for the future. By replicating and enhancing the strategies of the opponent, one can beat the other in their own game. Before a manager takes a move, an inventory of competitors should be taken. In order to gain an upper hand, it is not enough that we study the competitor. We have to learn to anticipate their responses to certain situations through the use of game theory, simulations, scenario planning and conjoint analysis. This would broaden your range of options for reacting to moves of the competitor. Also, a deep understanding on how changes in technology and public policy can

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience - Essay Example A discussion of the methods reveals that all have their advantages as well as their disadvantages. The Skinfold Caliper is the most widely used method to determine the amount of body fat. It uses a set of mechanical calipers to measure skinfold thickness at key points on the body. The measurements are then referenced to a chart, which infers the percent of body fat. Though the tools are simple, inexpensive, and relatively non-invasive, the procedure requires a high degree of training to obtain reliable results. The typical accuracy of a correctly administered Skinfold measurement is plus or minus 3 percent (Doyle 1998). This is a marked increase over the universal Body Mass Index (BMI), which compares height to weight and results in an accuracy of 5 to 6 percent. (FitnessGram 2003). A more recent addition to the available methods is the use of the Bioelectrical Impedance Analyser (BIA). This instrument operates on the principle that fat retains less water than muscle. The increased percentage of water in muscle makes it a better electrical conductor and by measuring a body's resistance to current flow, we can measure the body's fat content. This non-invasive technique is well suited for a wide range of subjects including elderly and disabled. The measurement is fast, easy to use, and is able to be used with a minimum of training due to a direct electronic readout. The cost is comparable to the Skinfold calipers and the accuracy obtained is similar to the Skinfold method. However, to attain this accuracy care must be taken to void the subject of alcohol, urine and other liquids for up to 48 hours prior to administering the test (Doyle 1998). These variables all have the potential to impact the accuracy negatively. A more recent method to measure body fat is Dual Energy X-ray Absorpitometry (DEXA). DEXA is a low-level x-ray that measures not only muscle and fat, but also uses bone mineral content as a factor in body composition (Doyle 1998). The technique uses a safe level of x-ray radiation, is non-invasive, and the subject requires no preparation. Though DEXA is costly and requires a high degree of training, it's accuracy exceeds both the Skinfold and BIA methods (Doyle 1998). In measuring the potential for good or diseased health one must also consider and analyse the expired air of the subject. Through measurement of the CO2 and O2 components of expired air, calculations can indicate a healthy metabolic function or detect areas of concern with respect to the subject's overall fitness and health (Jacobs, Mintz, and Nash 1999). The method of assessment most commonly used is known as Indirect Calorimetry (Measuring Energy Expenditure). The method involves the collection of expired air over a given time period and the subsequent analysis of the CO2 and O2 components. The method has some variations in the collection apparatus as well as the means used to analyse the gases. The Douglas Bag is a direct method used to collect expired air. It is considered to be clumsy, due to it's 200-litre bag size, and interferes with the subject's activity while under test. Air is sampled for approximately 10 minutes and then the gas is measured in a dry gas analyser (Messer, Pelto, and Pelto 1989). A less bulky apparatus used to collect expired air is the K.M Respirometer. Smaller and more portable than the Douglas bag, it has gained popularity and is a more widely used method. The technique of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Management - Essay Example 2005). This phenomenon creates an integrated world economy where production, trading and selling of goods and services reach beyond national and territorial boundaries. More than 40 years ago, economist and managers all over the world have been highlighting the vital role of state in the process of economic development. Most of them pointed out that unregulated markets, left to their own devices would polarize the distribution of income where small and medium size companies will be suck-up into corporate giants. To some extent, this would create confusion, panics, crises, recessions, and depressions. Along this same line of framework, in order to survive, corporations and businesses would need to find more innovative strategies to cope with the emerging industrialization and economic developments. The pressure is now on the hands of international managers as how they can strengthen their companies in order to face the difficult changes of a highly competitive and open market. A key factor that often puts companies out of business is competition. This is a major headache among business managers and planners. However, on the positive side, competitors are essential to spur companies to strive to do better. Although competitors have a potential of derailing a business, they are also indispensable learning tools for managers who want to get ahead of the competition-both today and for the future. By replicating and enhancing the strategies of the opponent, one can beat the other in their own game. Before a manager takes a move, an inventory of competitors should be taken. In order to gain an upper hand, it is not enough that we study the competitor. We have to learn to anticipate their responses to certain situations through the use of game theory, simulations, scenario planning and conjoint analysis. This would broaden your range of options for reacting to moves of the competitor. Also, a deep understanding on how changes in technology and public policy can

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Understand the importance of early intrevention to support the Assignment

Understand the importance of early intrevention to support the speech,language and communication needs of children and young people - Assignment Example Early mediation means making a brief intercession to backing the child and their families. In the event that a child gets the right help early, they have a higher chance of tackling issues, communicating appropriately and making advancements in their lives (Guitar 2005, p. 293). If these problems are not recognized early on, then the child’s future development is at risk and they risk having problems in future. The early years are a period for kids advancement as their brains are yet forming and thus it is very important to recognize if the child has communication and language difficulties. A child’s speech, language and communication affects other areas of their lives and thus any challenges may hinder their development. They may find it hard to control their conduct and play with other kids which makes them feel detached and baffled. Language is connected to the advancement of proficiency (Guitar 2005, p. 292). Kids who have poor speech will find it hard to comprehend the connection in the middle of sounds and letter shapes so reading and writing could be postponed. Discovering approaches to help the youngster convey will help their self-esteem and help keep them from anti-social behavior practices. By cooperating as a group, multi-agencies can help a child to achieve their maximum capacity. These groups may incorporate speech and language specialist, instructive, therapist, physiotherapist, occupational advisor, Health visitors and pro educators for learning Support. They can get together and talk through what kind of help the kid, family and setting needs. It helps on the grounds that they can all set an objective or target together and concentrate on the primary issues (Guitar 2005, p. 294). In their gatherings they can examine who is going help the child and families and the when and wheres. This can give details to those working with the child of where to get help if more of it is required. Ensuring that each and every person included

Monday, October 14, 2019

Five Important Factors to Success Essay Example for Free

Five Important Factors to Success Essay Employers today look for a variety of skill sets and personal strengths in an individual and hire those whom they feel will contribute most to their company. As an individual applying for employment or an internship with a company, one should be well aware of the necessary requirements and the recommended skill sets that each company looks for in a potential employee. While there are many different factors that can impact an individual’s success in gaining an internship or employment, there are five factors that especially highlight one’s qualifications. The first thing that employers search for in a future employee is the quality and extent of the individual’s academic background. â€Å"The importance of a college education has become quite evident in terms of earning potential within today’s economy† (College View). A knowledge base of all general education classes along with classes that focus on the individual’s major are an extremely desired asset for most high-income jobs. Specialization of one’s education builds and structures the skills and strengths that an individual will need to be successful in their desired industry. Within this one industry, employers have to start what is called a â€Å"weed out† process in order to narrow down their applicant list. One of the most highly used techniques among these businesses is creating an automatic drop list based on academic achievement for the recent college graduates. Each college graduate will have taken the same set of classes for a particular major, therefore, if one student’s grades do not compare to those of the high achievers, they will have less of a chance finding employment or an internship. However, these college graduates with lower grade point averages are still more likely to obtain important job positions than those who lack a degree altogether. According to College View, â€Å"attending college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher education.† Leadership is a key factor in building one’s path to success. Success Magazine says â€Å"leadership is everything, whether you are leading a life, a community, an organization or a business, or you are in school.† Businesses looking to hire employees want to ensure that each applicable individual demonstrates the initiative to take on projects and fully complete them in an organized and timely manner. According to Success Magazine, it is extremely important that new hires â€Å"develop the abilities of leaders in the areas of strategic and critical thinking, enhancing relationships, negotiating, managing risks, people, change, conflicts and financials, making the right decisions, managing work-life balance† in order to become successful in their new position. Businesses also look for leadership like characteristics in their potential new hires such as integrity, honesty, drive, and excellence. These qualities within an individual will help a company progress and become more successful. Hiring new employees is a risk for each company. Because of this liability, businesses want to make decisions in which they feel confident that will benefit their company due to the fact that it is so costly to hire a new employee undergoing extensive training. Having a leadership background can definitively increase an individual’s likelihood of gaining employment or an internship. Recruiters find it significant that their potential new hires show diligent involvement and a proactive attitude throughout their years attending a university. Being involved with organizations on and off a university campus will greatly benefit an individual because of the variety of different learning, volunteer, and career opportunities given by each of the organizations. Small Business Advice found that a proactive employee â€Å"is not going to sit back and wait for opportunities to land in their lap. Instead, they are going to go out and get what it is they want.† Employees want to make sure that the people they are going to hire will work proactively and in the best interest of the company and nobody else. Individuals that show experience with commitments of an organization in which they are involved demonstrate a more effective work ethic. Small Business Advice says â€Å"you will never see a leader sitting back and waiting for someone to tell them what to do and when to do it.† This is exactly what a company looks for in a new hire. Networking is an extremely important part of successfully gaining employment or internships. The most successful people in the world today would not have been able to achieve such great measures if they hadn’t encountered other influential people. People and connections are the greatest resources an individual has. If an individual has connections with respectable and influential people, they are more likely to succeed in their business. Applicants must put their name and qualifications out there in a positive for all to see in order to begin constructing their own effective social network. A way for individuals in college to network is to join organizations and meet with professors and other academic advisors. The more connections one has, the more likely they will receive a job or internship within a company. It is absolutely necessary that an applicant or new hire demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Recruiters are looking to hire individual’s that will represent their company in a good light 100 percent of the time. No matter where one is or what one does in their free time, if they are publicly misrepresenting themselves, and therefore, the company as a whole, the business will no longer allow that individual to continue portraying the company in such a bad manner and will fire them. A professional businessperson is always on the best of their behavior and always keeps the goals and priorities of the company before their own personal goals and priorities. There are numerous factors that influence a recruiter’s decision to hire a new employee. However, the five main factors are a strong academic background, leadership, proactive involvement, networking and professional behavior.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reduce The Incidence Perioperative Hypothermia Health And Social Care Essay

Reduce The Incidence Perioperative Hypothermia Health And Social Care Essay A Summary of fewer than 150 words should state the purpose of the study or investigation, basic procedures, main findings (giving actual results not just a broad description) and their statistical significance (using actual p values), and principal conclusions. The Summary should not be structured nor in note or abbreviated form. It should not state that the results are discussed or that work is presented. Abbreviations should not be used except for units of measurement. Use the same order when discussing the methods and results as in the main body of the text, and always mention the groups in the same order. Introduction: Perioperative hypothermia, defined as a core temperature below 36 °C, is still one of the most common side effects of general anaesthesia (1, 12) and results from low preoperative core temperatures (19), anaesthetic-induced inhibition of thermoregulatory defenses with redistribution of heat after induction of anaesthesia combined with a cold surgical environment, administration of unwarmed intravenous fluids, and evaporation from surgical incisions (25). Several prospective, randomized trials and retrospective studies have shown that perioperative hypothermia is associated with numerous adverse effects and outcomes (24). Following head and neck surgery perioperative hypothermia can cause delayed extubation, the development of early perioperative wound complications e.g. neck seromas, and flap dehiscence (2, 26). Although the authors of these studies recommend active warming for patients at risk for intraoperative hypothermia (2, 26) most patients are not actively warmed during head and neck surgery. The purpose of this prospective, randomized, controlled study was to test the hypothesis that the use of a new conductive warming system (PerfecTempà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited, St. Helier, Jersey) in combination with insulation is superior to reduce the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia during head and neck surgery compared to insulation only. Methods: After approval of the protocol by our local hospital ethics committee, 40 patients were recruited. Written, informed consent was obtained from all patients on the day prior to anaesthesia and surgery. All patients in the study were required to be adults between 18 and 75 yrs, to have American Society of Anesthesiology physical status I-III and to undergo elective, head or neck surgery that was scheduled to last between 90 min and 180 min. The exclusion criteria were: age > 75 yr; body mass index 30 kg/m ²; preoperative temperature > 38 °C or 180 min. All patients were premedicated with 7.5 mg oral midazolam. General anaesthesia was induced with propofol (2 to 2.5 mg per kg of body weight) and remifentanil (0.2-0.5 µg/kg) followed by rocuronium (0.4-0.6 mg/kg) to facilitate tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia was maintained with infusions of remifentanil and propofol titrated to maintain adequate anaesthetic depth and hemodynamic stability. The ambient temperature of the O.R. was 19 °C. Sublingual temperatures were measured preoperatively with an electronic thermometer (Geratherm rapid, Geratherm Medical AG, Geschwenda, Germany). During all measurements, sublingual placement and mouth closure was carried out by member of the study team (A.R.) experienced in the use of this device. Following induction, until the end of surgery, oesophageal temperatures were measured every 15 minutes using a temperature probe (TEMPRECISE #4-1512-A, Arizant International Corp. Eden Prairie, MN, USA) inserted 30 to 35 cm into the distal oesophageus. All patients were identified through the daily surgical schedule. A computer generated randomisation list with four blocks of ten patients was used to allocate patients to either the treatment group (conductive warming and insulation) or control group (insulation only). In the treatment group the patients were positioned supine on the conductive warming mattress (190.5 cm x 50.8 cm) (LMA PerfecTempà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, The Laryngeal Mask Company Limited, St. Helier, Jersey) placed on the operating table, as suggested by the manufacturer. Then the patients were immediately insulated with a standard hospital duvet (188 cm x 122 cm), filled with Trevira (100% polyester) (Brinkhaus GmbH Co. KG, Warendorf, Germany) with an insulation value of 1.29 clo (6). The conductive patient warming system was set to a temperature of 40.5 °C throughout the study and warming was stopped when the oesophageal temperature was > 37.5 °C. Patients of the control group were positioned supine on the operating table and were immediately insulated with the standard hospital duvet. All intravenous fluids were infused at room temperature. The duration of anaesthesia and surgery (time from skin incision to last suture) were recorded. Power analysis, assuming a clinically important reduction in the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia from 50 % to 90% suggested that eleven patients were required in each group (ÃŽÂ ± = 0.05; ÃŽÂ ² = 0.2). To compensate for unexpected dropout of patients with a shorter or longer duration of surgery than planned the initial total number of recruited patients was increased to 20 patients in each group. Comparisons of nominal data were made using the Fishers exact test. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used prior to parametric testing to ascertain that values came from a Gaussian distribution. Comparisons of normally distributed data were made using the Students t-test. Comparisons of not normally distributed data were made using the Mann-Whitney-U test. Time-dependent changes of core temperature were evaluated using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Scheffà ©s test. Results are expressed as means  ± SD or as median and interquantil range as appropriate. A value for p Results A total of 86 patients were assessed for eligibility. 25 patients could not be asked to participate, because they came to the hospital on the day of the operation. 21 patients refused to participate. Of the 40 patients recruited, 10 patients had to be excluded because of an operating time below 60 minutes (five patients in the treatment and four in the control group) or above 180 minutes (one patient). Figure 1: Flow diagram of the study In three patients the conductive warming mattress did not fully heat up to 40.5 °C for unknown technical reasons. These patients were still included in the data analyses. Data were therefore complete for 15 patients in each group. Patient characteristics, ambient temperature of the O.R., core temperatures before induction of anaesthesia and duration of surgery were not different (table 1). Table 1 Patient characteristics and perioperative variables. Values are presented as mean values  ± SD, median and interquantil range [IQR] or numbers of patients. Variable Treatment group (n = 15) Control group (n = 15) P-value Age [yr] 51 ±18 51 ±15 0.99 Sex [m/f] 7/8 10/5 0.46 Height [cm] 173 ±11 175 ±10 0.64 Weight [kg] 74 ±16 80 ±9 0.21 Temperature of the O.R [ °C] 19 ±1 19 ±1 0.3 Core temperature before induction of anaesthesia [ °C] 36.1 ±0.4 35.9 ±0.5 0.33 Duration from positioning on the conductive warming mattress to induction of anaesthesia [min] 7 [IQR: 5-9] Duration of anaesthesia [min] 118 ±28 122 ±38 0.74 Duration of surgery [min] 97 ±25 103 ±37 0.61 The ANOVA identified a significantly higher core temperature in the treatment group at 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 min (Figure 2). Further testing was futile as there were only three patients with a longer duration of surgery included. Figure 2 Mean pre- and intraoperative temperatures of the treatment group and control group. Error bars represent SD. In each group data were complete for at least sixty minutes. Furthermore, Fisherss exact test confirmed a lower incidence of intraoperative (3 vs. 9 patients; p = 0.03) and postoperative hypothermia (0 vs. 6 patients; p = 0.008) in the treatment group. However, the mean duration of hypothermia was not significantly shorter in the treatment group (55 ±17 min vs. 80 ±51 min; p = 0.42). No adverse effects could be observed. Discussion: This prospective, randomized, controlled study demonstrates that, during head and neck surgery under general anaesthesia, a conductive warming mattress combined with insulation significantly reduces the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia compared to insulation only. With this approach the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia could be reduced significantly. However, the mean intraoperative duration of mild hypothermia could not be reduced significantly. Redistribution of body heat from the core to the periphery was unusually small in this study and similar in both groups as core temperature decreased only 0.1 °C in the control group and 0.2 °C in the study group. In most clinical studies redistribution of heat after induction of anaesthesia leads to a reduction in core temperature of about 0.3 °C to 0.8  °C (3, 4, 8, 28) in the first hour whereas under experimental conditions it can reach up to 1.7 °C (17). This small decrease in core temperature may be explained by the fact that patients were kept comfortably warm during the whole preoperative period (ward, transport to the O.R. and induction of anaesthesia) with the same good insulating hospital blanket as used intraoperatively. This approach refers to the recent NICE guideline Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. The management of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in adults (22). Patients during head and neck surgery are often thought to have a relatively low risk for perioperative hypothermia because in most cases no body cavity is opened, the surgical incisions as well as blood losses are small. This is probably why there are almost no studies about perioperative hypothermia and its prevention during head and neck surgery. However, many patients undergoing head and neck surgery are prone to hypothermia by advanced age (2, 14, 27) and cancer with associated malnutrition and low body weight (2, 16). According to their preoperative risk profile (e.g. ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, preoperative radiotherapy, preoperative chemotherapy) (20, 26) they are often vulnerable to hypothermia associated complications. These complications include an increasing incidence of myocardial ischemia (10, 11, 11) which is also a relevant complication after reconstructive head and neck surgery (7), augmenting blood loss (23), dec reasing resistance to surgical wound infections or increasing local wound complications (2, 15, 18, 26), thus prolonging hospitalization. The few existing studies were particularly focused on longer operations like parotidectomies, neck dissections (2) and reconstructive surgery with free tissue or regional flaps (13, 26). In the study of Agrawal et al. (2) the incidence of perioperative hypothermia was 65% in the unwarmed group showing clearly the high risk of perioperative hypothermia in patients during head and neck surgery. In our study with relatively short operations we observed an incidence of perioperative hypothermia of 40% in the control group. In contrast to the study of Agrawal et al. (2) we used a high insulation of 1.29 clo for these patients which is much more than the insulation value of most commercially available materials designed for use in the operating room. With this insulation heat losses from the covered skin can be reduced about 70%. (6). In most of our patients this insulation was able to maintain a stable thermal steady state with a relative constant core temperature. However, this thermal s teady state was at a core temperature of about 36.0 °C with many patients being hypothermic. In general the efficacy of posterior patient-warming systems is limited (5, 9, 13, 21). These devices have the disadvantage that warming the back of the patient in the supine position is suboptimal. During surgery, little heat is lost from the back (9) and heat gain via the back is also limited, resulting in a small change in heat balance. However, in this special setting the additional heat generated by the conductive warming system leads to a positive thermal balance and an increasing core temperature after 30 minutes. In contrast to conventional circulating water mattresses the new conductive system is made of thick viscoelastic foam. This material enhances contact between the mattress and the back, thereby reducing thermal contact resistance and increasing the efficacy of heat exchange. In contrast to forced-air warming the combination of good insulation and conductive warming has several advantages. There are no expensive disposables elements, low costs for maintenance, low power consumption and no relevant noise emission (28). Another advantage is that is very easy to use the system for prewarming as soon as the patient can be placed on the operating table when the controller unit is mounted at the operating table. Our study has several limitations. First, two different anatomic locations were used to measure core temperature (oral temperature before induction of anaesthesia and oesophageal during general anaesthesia). However, both methods are reasonable methods for core temperature measurements and we could record the first reliable oesophageal temperature 5 minutes after induction of anaesthesia so that this temperature can serve as a reliable starting temperature. Second, five patients per group had to be excluded from data analyses because the operation time was shorter or longer than planned. Nevertheless, we had to exclude these patients because it is not advisable to compare operations with durations of 30 minutes with operations of more than 3 hours. Finally we did not fully take advantage of the possibility to prewarm our patients with the conductive system. On average time from the beginning of warming to induction of anaesthesia was only seven minutes. It seems to be likely that longer prewarming periods would enhance the efficacy of the conductive warming mattress. Conclusion The combination of good thermal insulation and conductive warming is effective to prevent perioperative hypothermia during head and neck surgery. In contrast to other warming methods there are no expensive disposables, low costs for maintenance, low power consumption and no relevant noise emssion.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Catcher in the Rye :: essays research papers

Catcher in the Rye Author Information :   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jerome David Salinger was born in New York City in 1919. He attended and graduated from a military acedemy, then shortly attended two colleges. He has written some of the most influencial American literature in the twentieth century. Some of his short stories originally appeared in the New Yorker magazine and were later published as in the book, Nine Stories. However, Salinger has not published anything since 1963. Analysis :   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have chosen to do symbolism. The symbols are clearly made evident by Holden’s constant repetition of their importance. The symbols are so important and their symbolism are directly related to the major themes of the novel. Allie, Holden’s young brother who died some years earlier, was a key symbol through out the story. When Holden remembers incidents from his past involving Allie, his attitude changes, like as when he writes the composition about Allie’s baseball glove or when Holden broke his hand after punching all of the windows after Allie died. He feels that Allie was one of the few people who were not phony in a world full of phonies. But more importantly, Allie represents the childhood that Holden strives to find through out his multi-day journey. In Holden’s opinion, Allie represents the purity that Holden looks for in the world. Holden admits that he admires Allie more than he admires Jesus. Allie is Holden’s role model, whom he judges the rest of the world to. When Allie dies, it creates heartache in Holden’s life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another symbol is when walking through New York City, Holden arrives at the Museum of Natural History. He remarks about the museum that he likes the glass cases that the museum officials place all of their exhibits in. He wishes he could place parts of his life in glass cases because they won’t change. In the end, he decides not to go into the museum. He likes the museum because he used to go there in his childhood, a time that he remembers with happiness. Since the glass cases inside the museum don’t allow anyone to change anything, it would be the one place for Holden to go if he wanted everything to be as it was during his childhood. However, he elects to remain outside because he is afraid that there is a chance that the museum might have changed. Jane Gallagher changed since his childhood and Holden thought that was unbelievable, so if Jane could change, perhaps

Friday, October 11, 2019

On the Beach: Sexism and Tourism Essay

Since the 1800’s, tourism has played a major role in the world economy. It has helped improve suffering economies that are unable to rely solely on their exports, and provided poorer nations with foreign currency and foreign investment, which can help to improve the economy of the poorer nation. Tourism has also encouraged development of modern skills as well as new technologies. (Enloe 233) In conclusion, tourism has become one of the most valued sources of income for many countries around the world. However, while tourism has played an important role in the economic standing of underdeveloped nations, it has also encouraged many gender stereotypes, and as not provided to be an equal or a non-discriminatory industry. Two of the major areas in the tourism industry where there are obvious gender differences are in advertisement and employment. When it comes to the issue of tourism and advertisement, the way men and women are depicted in tourist advertisements are based upon peo ple’s presumptions about masculinity and femininity. Because of history depiction of males as the one’s whore are more likely to travel, and women who travel as being improper, (Enloe 208) the majority of tourist advertisements are directed at men. This is apparent through the use of sex appeal. An example of an advertisement that uses this device is the advertisement for Singapore Airlines, which is mentioned in the text On the Beach: Sexism and Tourism. In this advertisement, there is nothing more but a ethnic woman holding a lily while standing in a misty setting. No information about the airline and its rates are given. (Enloe 222) This clearly demonstrates how women are used for there femininity is tourism advertisements. This obvious use of sex appeal is used to entice men to use Singapore Airlines. When deciding what airline to use, they’re more likely to remember the one that had the attractive woman in its advertisement. Furthermore, it is possible for them to hold a subconscious belief that they will meet a woma n similar to the one depicted in the advertisement if they use that airline. Even in the advertisements that do show males, the differences between masculinity and femininity are apparent. The men will often be shown in police or military uniforms to give an image of safeness and security. On the other hand, women are usually depicted in colorful peasant dress, to give the illusion of them being welcoming and, more importantly to the male viewers, available. (Enloe 222) The way the most ethnic women are depicted in these advertisements  gives the illusion that they are wilder and easily attainable, much more so than women back home. Men seeing these women depicted in the advertisements as they are, are more inclined to view them as something to experience and enjoy. (Enloe 216) The gender stereotypes in tourist industries are reinforced by the choice of employees, as the majority of them are women. For example, in the Caribbean, during the 1980’s over 75 per cent of tourist employees were women. The reason for this high percentage is due to the fact that most of the jobs that relate to tourist industries are viewed as women’s work. The most common tourist industry jobs involve cleaning, washing, cooking, and serving. On of the reasons the female employment rate for the tourist industry is so high is because in society a man who took part in women’s work was seen as losing is masculinity, whereas these jobs were not seen reducing femininity for women. As well, studies have shown that women tourists prefer, and feel more comfortable when other women wait them on. (Enloe 223) Furthermore, because women are usually passed a lower salary than men, by hiring more women employees, tourist companies are able to cut cost by paying the women employees far less than they would the males. (Enloe 224) The use of gender stereotypes in the tourist industry, as outlined in the text On the Beach: Sexism and Tourism are predominantly used for improving sales, and cutting financial costs. Tourist companies are aware that the depiction of women as exotic and welcoming will appeal to males, and hiring more women employees that men is financially beneficial. As a result, it is likely that these gender stereotypes will remain unless they become the cause of a decrease in profits.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Executing Strategies in a Global Environment Essay

Federal Express, known today as FedEx was developed by Fred Smith in 1973. Mr. Smith saw need for customer to receive packages sooner than 1-3 business days; this was the norm for express mail 40 years ago (Hill & Jones, 2013). Federal Express changed the structure of air cargo industry and improves on the overnight delivery service (Hill & Jones, 2013). In this paper, it will analyze value creation frontier of FedEx, determine which four building blocks will give competitive advantage to maintain profitability, its efficiency, and examine the overall competition the global industry (Hill & Jones, 2013). Analysis of Company’s Value Creation Frontier FedEx accomplished it value creation frontier with innovation. The founder saw that there was a need for faster and more reliable express delivery service. FedEx competitors offered 1-3 day deliveries shipments, but didn’t take into consideration residential customers or businesses that would need their shipments sooner. Mr. Smith saw this need, but it couldn’t be accomplished by sharing air space on commercial flights. On commercial flights passengers were first and the space that was left was divided amongst the competitors. For his vision to be achieved he needed his own fleet of cargo jets (Hill & Jones, 2013). Federal Express founder started with the higher end of competitive advantage which is differentiation. Mr. Smith invested $91 million dollars of venture capital plus $4 million dollar of inheritance funds, which he used to purchase an aircraft company in Little Rock, Arkansas. He started using the aircraft to deliver envelopes and small packages overnight within the United States (Ecommerce, n.d.). Mr. Smith didn’t give the official name Federal Express until 1973. He brought the operation closer to home, which was Memphis, Tennessee. The business was operating out of Memphis International Airport. By this time the company owned 14 Dassault Falcon Airplanes and he employed 400 workers (Ecommerce, n.d.). The next step for Federal Express was innovation. Mr. Smith launched a direct mail advertising promotion to increase the exposure of the company. With the government loosening the airline regulations, it made it permissible for federal Express to use bigger aircrafts such as Boeing 727s and take advantage of more flexible flight schedules (Ecommerce, n.d.). In 1979 Federal Express started using a centralized computer system  to track packages, routes, weather, vehicles, and employees. A short time after, a digitally assisted dispatch system was put in place for clients to electronically request pickups (Ecommerce, n.d.). For quality and excellence Federal Express understood the client’s expectation and started tailoring their service to fit those needs. For example; the bigger clients, they started housing merchandise to make shipments upon request. Federal Express held 43 percent of the delivery transportation market, in contrast to its rival UPS in the 1990’s (Ecommerce, n.d.). In order for Federal Express to maintain above average profitability, they should concentrate on two phases; which are efficiency and quality. Federal Express has five pillars for increasing profitability which are; making personnel functions and processes more efficient, update their air fleet, convert U.S. domestic network, increase international profits, and enlarge service offerings (Annual report, 2013). The focus for Federal Express is the customer. The customers’ requests are very important to the company’s strategy to operate focused systems which function independently, compete collectively, and are managed collaboratively. Because Federal Express unique model allows them to fine tune networks without compromising service to customers, their solution continue to be superior and they can act in response to marketplace changes quickly and efficiently (Annual reports, 2013). Maintaining Edge Rivals Product Differentiation Product differentiation is the development of designing products or services to satisfy the needs of the customers. Companies maintain a competitive edge over their rivals when it creates, makes, and sell products in the same industry (Hill & Jones, 2013). Federal Express has developed an express delivery service that is better than its rivals. Their service caters not only to big and small businesses, but also residential clients. Packages are getting to their destination faster, not just in the United States, but internationally. The ability to digitally track your package from first phase to the last phase of delivery give clients’ confidence that FedEx understand their needs and it builds trust (Hill & Jones, 2013). Capacity  Control Even though non-price competition helps established industries avoid cutthroat price cutting that reduces company and industry levels of profitability, price competition does occasionally occur when excess capacity exists in an industry (Hill & Jones, 2013). When a company like Federal Express cut prices rival companies will do the same thing out of fear the price cutter will be able to sell its complete inventory, while rivals will be left with surplus of goods. In so doing, this will lead to developing price wars (Hill & Jones, 2013). Federal Express would have to develop a strategy that would help them avoid this type of problem and stay ahead of its rivals. In most cases companies have two tactical choices; each can independently try to preempt its rivals and take hold of the initiative, or the companies must jointly find indirect means of coordinating with each other so that they are all aware of the shared effects of their actions (Hill & Jones, 2013). Business Model Efficiency Assessment Federal Express unique strategy works seamlessly and simultaneously on three levels. FedEx compete collectively by standing as one brand worldwide and speaking with one voice ( The company operates independently by focusing on their independent networks to meet distinct customers’ needs and manage collaboratively by working together to sustain loyal relations with their employees, customers, and investors ( Each division of FedEx has created its unique niche; yet work together as a whole. FedEx Corporation provides customers and businesses worldwide a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce, and business services. FedEx express invented express distribution and remains the industries global leader, providing rapid, reliable, and time-definite delivery to more than 220 countries and territories connecting markets that comprise more than 90 percent of the world’s gross domestic products within one to three business days (Investors, n.d.). There is still FedEx; ground, freight, and services. The different divisions have been established independently meeting the needs in today businesses, but work together in this vital industry to be  one voice (Investors, n.d.). FedEx also continues to stay ahead by quickly adapting to the changes in technology to provide better, faster service. This will cause clients to continually use their service and believe in their reliability. Impact of Global on New Business Strategy Federal Express is a well ran operation, which doesn’t need any change to the method of how it conducts business. The only suggestion that can be made is to improve on existing business strategy. FedEx is efficient on functions and processes of staff, having an efficient air fleet, and dominate in U.S. and international services. Just by strengthen of these strategies FedEx can be more profitable over a three year period (Investor, n.d.). Enacting numerous initiatives to improve their staffing efficiency and work processes, Federal Express would accomplish the streamlining of key processes to reduce the time and resources it would require (Investor, n.d.). Prioritizing important actions and remove or defer functions that have or become redundant due to technological, operational or market driven changes. Lately, generate greater efficiencies in the global sourcing program (Investor, n.d.). By FedEx up grading older aircraft with newer planes, there would be more cost-effective and fuel-efficient aircraft, the 757 and 767 programs will create a next-generation air fleet that to a large extent reduce their operating cost (Investors, n.d.). For example, based on a 750 nautical mile round trip, our trip costs will improve by: up to 20% for the B757 versus A310-200 and up to 30% for the B767 versus MD10-30 (Investors, n.d.). Applying new technology and processes will advance flight and crew scheduling. Adapting to pickup and delivery operations to maximize on road productivity will cause for quicker and reliable service (Investors, n.d.). Merging of facilities and stations will be more cost effective. Refining aircraft maintenance processes will improve fuel efficiency for their aircraft and vehicle fleet. Improvements like these can be done with no compromising the exceptional service quality their customers have come to expect (Investors, n.d.). With Federal Express expanding on their business; they capture growth from all parts of the global cargo market, including priority, economy, ocean and air forwarding, and critical inventory logistics focusing on (Investors, n.d.): Growing FedEx  International Priority and expanding FedEx international Transitioning FedEx International Economy shipments to third party line on certain lanes. Increasing freight forwarding and supply chain capabilities for new vertical like healthcare. Leveraging European expansion for greater densities and lower costs. With FedEx concentrating on delivering the solutions for the right customers at the right price, they will continue to strive for the right solutions in the market place. By so doing they may hold on to the majority of their annual rate increases, utilize the revenue management committee to optimize yield, market share, and profitability growth (Investors, n.d.). May have to drop less profitable accounts, and then develop on small to m edium customer base. Also leveraging residential revenue opportunities for their delivery managers, over time should allow for an even more dominate business (Investors, n.d.). Conclusion Federal Express has changed the face of the air cargo industry and overnight nights delivery service (Hill & Jones, 2013). The business model that FedEx put together for their company relied on the right strategy and the right people to implement the vision and the mission for the success of this company. When a business follows the strategy, makes adjustments as needed, is willing to take risk, and invest in technology; you have a formula for success.

Benetton baby Essay

Benetton baby was produced as a 1991 advertising campaign that also included images of a priest kissing a nun and coloured leaves floating in a sea of petrol. Although I would presume Benetton would be trying to show the beauty and goodness of the new born baby they claim â€Å"Benetton is not trying to emphasise the beauty a and goodness of its apparel, but rather is trying to capture the interest or people†¦ The objective is to brake through the barrier of indifference. † But I believe that the image is in anyway offensive or wrong. The image consists of a newborn baby trailing its umbilical cord, the baby is covered in blood, and two hands, presumably of a Doctor, are waiting to receive the child. This was created to appear on billboard so the shire size would make the image impossible to be missed. The background is white therefore the baby stands out. The logo is included to the left of the advertisement and is very small almost insignificant. The image is very clear and not edited in any way to make the situation more attractive I agree with the advertisement entirely. Although it is a strange way to advertise I have no objections. The image is very large and might not be what all people want to witness it but birth of babies are publicized on the television as entertainment or education in more graphic detail. Isn’t a baby being born â€Å"the most wonderful experience†? But people did however complain, the public disagreed strongly with this image â€Å"the poster†¦. Has attracted more than 800 complaints. † 800 is not a particularly large amount when in comparison with the millions that would have witness the advertisement. The complaints consisted of â€Å"the image is shocking and distasteful†¦ â€Å", â€Å"many children are reported to have found it disturbing†¦ â€Å"and objections regarding the â€Å"exploitative use of such an image to sell clothes. † All complaints where made to an advertising organisation called the ASA. The ‘Advertising Standards Authority’ began in 1962 by the advertising industry. The ASA practises a voluntary code of practice called ‘The British Code of Advertising and sales promotion practise. The code declares that all advertisements must be legal, decent honest and truthful. They must not be offensive or downgrade competitors they must not deliberately misinform. Benetton baby does break some of these rules. The first rule broken in some points of view is ‘decency’ â€Å"No advert should contain any matter that is likely to cause widespread offence†¦. â€Å"The advert may be offensive to a mother who recently had a miscarriage. As to a woman whose child has recently died or to a woman who cannot become a mother. Etc. however this information cant be held against Benetton as a second rule in the code states, â€Å"[t]he fact that a product may be found offensive by some people Is not†¦ a sufficient basis under the code for objecting an advertisement for it† therefore the advert is within its own rights. ‘Honesty’ â€Å"†¦. cause be easily grasped and clearly understood†¦ † the advertisement isn’t entirely clear. From the advertisement alone you are not able to grasp what exactly the clothing company is retailing. However the advertisement does not lead you to believe that the Benetton Company sells babies or anything else, for that matter. â€Å"Looking death in the face† An ad showing the image of a man dying of AIDS, surrounded by his family. The logo is present also but, as with the others, it is small and unimportant. The camera shot is very provocative, it is very close up. The dying man obviously and purposely is made to resemble Jesus this has been done by computer. The image almost makes you fell an intruder in the scene. This has led to furious debate about the limits of advertising. Benetton claims, â€Å"It was as if the reality of suffering only had dignity and moral value in the editorial section of a newspaper and lost all its ability to denounce and sensitize people when in `contagious’ contact with advertising. † Published by an English daily before its official presentation, the photo provoked a controversy that extended from Great Britain throughout the world. The AIDS ad may, however be seen by some as trying to profit from people’s pain rather than simply offending the more traditionalist members of society. One British AIDS charity agreed, while some American gay activists disagree, saying the advertisements gives the issue a higher public profile. The parents of the dying man may feel the same since, according to Benetton, they approved the company’s use of the photo. With this new project, Benetton has once again chosen to look reality in the face by embarking upon a social issue, as he did in previous campaigns that focused on war, Aids, discrimination and racism. Harshly attacked by some and internationally applauded by others, Benetton’s campaigns have managed to tear down the wall of indifference contributing at increasing the awareness of universal problems among world’s citizens. Both the advertisements, â€Å"Benettons baby† and â€Å"looking death in the face† Where concealed and eventually banned across the world. There is more to this than the old saying that all publicity is good publicity. Oliviero Toscani, Benetton’s â€Å"adman,† claims the campaigns are not designed to offend, but rather to â€Å"raise consciousness. † A more plausible interpretation is that Benetton is trying to sell sweaters to the young and hip and those who like to think of themselves in that way. What better means to appeal to them than by offending an older generation of their parents? 7th January 2000 – At the beginning of the new millennium, Benetton publicized the real faces of the prisoners on death row, without a future. Remorseful or unremorseful, smiling or sad, healthy or ill, they all are guilty in the eyes of the human law. Many have their arms crossed; one is shown reading the Bible. Almost all of them are looking directly at the camera, at you. These portraits of dozens of individuals sentenced to death are the results of Oliviero Toscani’s two years of work which he visited several American prisons. The campaign is about the death penalty this project aims at presentation to the public the reality of capital punishment, aiming to prevent people considering the death penalty as a distant matter, just something they might hear about on television. Toscani’s images intend to give back a human face to the prisoners on death row, to remind â€Å"respectable people who are always so sure they’re right†¦ † that these people are human Beings not virtual characters easily removed or secured with a simple click as with a game. The campaign appeared on billboards and on the pages of the major publishing companies around Europe, America and Asia in January 2000. Toscani spoke for the prisoners when he said, â€Å"that having killed has changed them forever, and for the worst. † Speedy Rice a writer, on behalf of the NACDl (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers) who has contributed to the campaign by patiently contacting and negotiating with prisons’ Mr. Rice mentions that during 1999 there has been a huge rise in the number of executions in the United States. Of the 600 death sentences that were passed between 1976 and the end of the 20thcentury, approximately 100 executions were carried out in 1999. Benetton advertisements to me have a strong meaning, which differs from individual to individual. For some the adverts are merely indicating how ignorant the world is today. How people emphasise on looking a certain way and how they foresee others. To others they may be seen as a source of entertainment something to discuss on the train or to your local cab driver that will never silence. There are many other views but mine is this I agree entirely with the advertisements, although others wont. The ads are unique and contain moral issues that may keep the brain puzzled all day to find. As there has been such uproar in disagreement concerning the ads this has given Benetton a vast amount of free advertisement. I like all the adverts I have been analysing although I do prefer the â€Å"death row† images. These appeal to me a majority more as they have more of a moral message, and become challenging to comprehend the death penalty law. You are left asking yourself, â€Å"Do I agree with the death penalty? † All of the benetton advertisements caused great amounts of controversial disagreement. The three mentioned esspecialy, as to more than half the world they have no meaning, as to others they offend highly.